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Saturday, August 21, 2010

August 21, 2010-Swimming under the Frangi Pangi Tree

wingssail images-fredrick roswold
Swimming under the Frangi Pangi Tree

It’s twenty-five meters across the pool where I’ve been swimming these days.

I start in the corner near the lounge chairs, swim past the curved pool bar, swim under the Frangi Pangi tree, and swim over to the ladder on the far side. Then I come back.

Twenty six trips makes it six hundred and fifty meters. It takes me twenty minutes.

The best part is swimming under the Frangi Pangi tree.

I do my best thinking there, swimming under the Frangi Pangi tree.

Six hundred and fifty meters allows for a decent amount of thinking.

Today I was thinking about how good the slow pace in this quiet corner of the universe feels and how it suits me these days. When you slow down enough thinking can turn into meditation.

The choices Judy and I are about to make need some slow and careful consideration, some meditation.

The kind I can do swimming under the Frangi Pangi tree.

So we go over to the pool nearly every day and get water logged as we laze away the afternoon talking to the other cruisers about the things cruisers talk about and if the pool is not too crowded I swim my laps and meditate.

I swim under the Frangi Pangi tree, slowly and methodically putting one arm after the other over my head into the water and slowly and carefully consider things.

Today I found some peace. I came to the conclusion that I don’t need to make any big decision about the future, that I am OK with the changes in our lives however they turn out as long as Judy and I are together. I don’t need to feel anxious. I can be relaxed. The worry about what we need to do with our lives fell away as I was swimming under the Frangi Pangi tree. I realized it doesn’t matter.

As we walked back after our swim to the other side of the island in the long afternoon shadows, toward the setting sun, Judy and I talked and we shared that peace and our love for each other and we felt happy.

Life can’t get much better than that.

Fred & Judy, SV Wings, Langkawi, Malaysia

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